Statement ICNE on GA attack

In the name of God the Merciful, the Most Compassionate ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF NEW ENGLAND  REJECTS HATRED The members of the Islamic Council of New England (ICNE) react in horror at the latest mass murder, this time in Georgia, of innocent lives, primarily women of Asian descent, and express our …

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In memory of Dr. Kimat Khatak (2021)

In memory of Dr. Kimat Khatak (2021), past President (2008) of the Islamic Council of New England, who dedicated his life in the  service of his community and in promoting social and moral  values for a just and peaceful society.  —————–  Moral Structure:   Social Imperative for a Just Society  M …

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Dr. Kimat Khatak (2021)

Dr. Kimat Khatak (2021)  by   M Riaz Khan, PhD  On January 7, 2021, the Islamic Council of New England (ICNE) lost one of its most stanch  benefactors, a visionary leader and community organizer. Dr. Kimat Khatak was a vocal  advocate of Council’s mission to be a collective Muslim voice in …

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Honoring A. Karim Khudairi

In Honor of  Dr. A. Karim Khudairi (2020),  The Founder and the First President (1985) of  The Islamic Council of New England A Fierce Advocate of Justice Most befitting way to honor the legacy of a leader is to revive the purpose he lived for and strived.  JUSTICE:  The Epitome …

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COVID-19 Resources for the Muslim community.

COVID-19 Resources for the Muslim community. COVID-19 is a new strain of the family called Corona viruses. TOPICS: Religious/Health (CDC)/Cleaning/Screening/Jenazah *Religious Issues: Fiqh Council of North America resource* *Religious Issues: Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America resource* *CDC Resources page* Excellent info, publications, infographics etc (ENGLISH) What you …

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