Benefits of Membership:
- Be part of the New England Unity in Diversity Community
- Expand network and get connected in the New England region
- Get involved, share your ideas, and make your voice heard
- Make a positive impact for betterment
- Your organization website listed as an active memeber
- Advertise in the Council’s Newsletter
- Advertise in the Council’s youtube channel
- Get involved in the making of the Newsletter and Channel
- Set up Eduational Programming and workshops
- Join the NE Community Calendar
- Eligibility to vote
The Islamic Council of New England (referred to as the ‘Council’) does not have individual Membership. Membership is granted through an application by an Islamic Center. Depending on the membership size of each Center applies for the Council Membership, 2 to 4 representatives will represent them. These Representatives should be appointed by their respective Centers with the authority to bring the concerns and aims of those particular Centers to the General Body (Assembly) meeting of the Council, to vote on any issues under deliberation, and to take back the recommendations of the Council to their own Boards so that there is a dynamic two way interaction between the Council and the Board of Directors of the Member Centers. The Council General Assembly meets quarterly at rotating locations reflecting the Councils diverse representation. The BOD of the Council will hold its meetings, 2 weeks before the General Assembly meetings.
All deliberations of the Council are guided by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Council which are based on Islamic and democratic principles with Shura or mutual and respectful consultation as its foundation.
For any Center in New England to become a Member of the Council its President or designated equivalent must submit the Application for Membership that linked in at the end of this message. The application duly completed will be reviewed by the Board before it is formally accepted. All Centers in New England are encouraged to join the Council whose strength and influence are enhanced by increased participation.
To be a Member:
- The Membership dues are:
- $100 for centers with 50 or less members.
- $200 for center with more then 50 members.
Please download, print and mail the following form:
Current Members as of Jan 2023:
IAGH, Islamic Association of Greater Hartford, Berlin, CT
- Islamic Center of Connecticut , Windsor CT
- Islamic Society of Western Mass. West Springfield, MA
- Islamic Society of Greater Worcester, MA
- Worcester Islamic Center ,Worcester MA
- Islamic Society of Greater Haverhill, Haverhill MA
- ISBCC, Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, Boston MA
- Islamic Center of New England, Sharon , MA
- Masjid Al-Quran ,Dorcester ,MA
- Masjid Al-Hamdo Lillah, Roxbury MA
- Nigerian Islamic Society/Masjid Ar-Rehman Boston,MA
- Islamic Center of Boston , Wayland ,MA
- Islamic Society of South Eastern Mass, South Dartmouth, MA
Current Members as of Jan 2022:
- Islamic Society of Greater Worcester, MA
- Worcester Islamic Center ,Worcester MA
- Islamic Center of Boston , Wayland ,MA
- Islamic Center of New England, Sharon , MA
- Masjid Al-Quran ,Boston ,MA
- Madina Mosque, ( Islamic Center of Ct. )
Nigerian Islamic Society
- Islamic Society of Western Mass
Current Members as of Jan 2021:
Madina Mosque, ( Islamic Center of Ct. )
Islamic Society of Greater Worcester
Society of Islamic Brotherhood, ( Masjid Al-Hamdo Lillah )
Nigerian Islamic Society
The Islamic Society of Boston
Islamic Society of Greater Haverhill
- Islamic Society of Western Mass
Current Members as of July 2016:
- IAGH, Islamic Association of Greater Hartford, Berlin, CT
- Islamic Society of Western Mass
- Masjid Al-Quran
- Islamic Center of Boston, Wayland
- ISBCC, Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center
Current Members as of 2015:
- IAGH, Islamic Association of Greater Hartford, Berlin, CT
- Islamic Society of Greater Haverhill
- Islamic Society of Greater Hartford
- Islamic Society of Western Mass
- Nigerian Islamic Society
- Selimiye Mosque
- Masjid Al Islam – RI
- ISBCC, Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center
- Masjid Al-Quran
- Islamic Center of Boston, Wayland
- Islamic Society of Greater Worcester
- Masjid Al-Hamdolillah
Current Members as of 2014: