Please find template letter below that parents within your community can send to their children’s schools. It makes them aware of the concerns of the Muslim community about bullying and discrimination, and offers some concrete steps for them to take to address these issues in their schools. It should be sent by every parent to their child’s teachers, principal, and superintendent.
Dear _________,
I write to you today with an urgent call to action on behalf of my child, [Child’s Name], who is currently enrolled at [School Name].
The election of Donald Trump to the US Presidency has left many Americans feeling frightened and uncertain about the future, particularly those of us in the Muslim community. Unfortunately, many of our fears are being realized: the FBI has reported a 67% surge in hate crimes against Muslims from 2014 to 2016. Furthermore, in just the first five days after the election, the Southern Poverty Law Center collected 437 reports of hateful intimidation and harassment across the country. Many of these incidents occurred right here in Massachusetts.
I want to make sure you are aware of this situation, but most importantly, I want to ask for your help protecting my child. I wake up every morning and send [Child’s Name] into a world that I know, more than ever, is full of fear, misunderstanding, and even violence against the Muslim community. The only way to tolerate this risk is to place my trust in the teachers and administrators at [School Name] to protect your most vulnerable students.
It is imperative that [School Name] have a clear strategy to combat Islamophobia and harassment. The Council on Islamic and American Relations provides a multitude of resources for educators, including Islamic 101 guides for teachers and administrators, and training sessions focused on anti-bullying techniques in the classroom. I would be happy to connect you with our local CAIR chapter, if you are interested, so as to facilitate further partnership and understanding.
Education is the key to combating bigotry of all kinds, but education is not possible if schools themselves are unsafe. I know you will hear my concerns with the seriousness that they warrant, and take action so that [Child’s Name] can continue learning in a safe, secure environment, despite the problems and discord in the outside world.
I look forward to your response, and thank you for all the hard work you do to ensure a better future for all your students.
[Parent’s Name]
[Parent’s Contact Information]