The premeditated diabolical slaughter of hundreds of Sri Lankan Christians celebrating one of their holiest days within the sanctuary of churches is an act of absolute depravity. All humanity mourns that such calculated brutality could be inflicted by a group of alleged human beings against their fellow God created beings.
Our heart aches for all the relatives of the victims subjected to such barbaric behavior, even as we pray that Almighty God grants them succor, and raises the martyrs of such an atrocity into the comfort of His Grace.
This deliberate recent trend of targeting religious peoples in their houses of worship whether Jews in Philadelphia premeditated diabolical slaughter of hundreds of Sri Lankan Christians celebrating one of their holiest days within the sanctuary of churches is an act of absolute depravity. All humanity mourns that such calculated brutality could be inflicted by a group of alleged human beings against their fellow God created beings.
Our heart aches for all the relatives of the victims subjected to such barbaric behavior, even as we pray that Almighty God grants them succor, and raises the martyrs of such an atrocity into the comfort of His Grace.
This deliberate recent trend of targeting religious peoples in their houses of worship whether Jews in Philadelphia, Muslims in Christchurch or Christians in Sri Lanka can only be masterminded by the evil machinations of Satan himself. In the face of this collective shame on the human psyche, all peoples of goodwill and Faith in the Grace of God, despite theological differences, must come together to overcome this disintegration of our God-given humanity.
At a practical level they need to ensure that all law enforcement agencies are offered their fullest cooperation so that the perpetrators are brought to justice and that no government or individual is given a pass by making spurious, unsubstantiated claims for selfish political gain.