Carmen Ortiz, US Attorney for the District of Massachusetts resigned from her post as of January 13, 2017.
While US Attorney, Carmen did an outstanding job of reaching out to the Muslim Community; visiting various mosques and Islamic Centers and ensuring that the concerns of various communities were addressed. She was also instrumental, while working through BRIDGES in fostering dialogue between community groups and various law enforcement agencies at the Federal, state and city level.
The Council after mutual consultations with member centers hosted a banquet in her honor on February 11, 207 at the Islamic Center of Boston, in Wayland. The event was well attended by the Council members and center representatives. Carmen was awarded a plaque by the Council in recognition of her dedicated service to the community.
In her thank you note to the Council Carmen Ortiz said “I want to thank the Islamic Counsel of New England for the wonderful reception that was hosted in my honor on Saturday night. My husband Tom and I had a great time during an evening that was very memorable to us. I also want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the many community members who attended my farewell ceremony… I also want everyone to know that the past several years of working with Bridges has truly enriched my life and given me greater insight into a community I was not familiar with prior to my position as U.S. Attorney. I will treasure the friendships I have made and look forward to future events we can all work on together.”
Hussein Dayib
Chair, Civil Rights Committee