One of the most gut-wrenching experiences every Muslim in the US has to live through is the ‘report’ of yet another act of ‘Islamist terror’. Whether true or false the collective guilt and shame add to their angst, as their bona fides and loyalty as American citizens are further undermined. While no other segment of our society is expected to explain the actions of its aberrant members, all Muslims have to account, if not apologize for, the miscreant behavior of every self-described ‘Muslim’ be he a psychotic, a racist or a criminal.
Yesterday, a known criminal, Edward Archer, attempted ‘assassination’ of a Philadelphia police officer. He claimed ‘allegiance’ to Isis and credited his action to Islam! Without verification of his faith, his ‘connections’ with Isis and his psychiatric status, the immediate media rush to judgement was that this was yet another act based on ’Radical Islam’. If it turns out to be true that he was misguided by the heresy of Isis, Muslims will once more be excoriated by opportunistic Republican Presidential wannabees. If the story of his ‘Muslim connection’ is fabricated, what is the need for such a rush to judgment? Certainly in reporting ,’ Police Officer shot in Dorchester’, the Globe (1/9/2016) sets the standard!
Dris Djermoun President Abdul Cader Asmal Co-Chairman of Communications
Islamic Council of New England